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Yoga for Middle Body and Digestion: Pad Prasar Kati Chakra Kriya

Hari Om!

Welcome to our program, “One Step Towards Health, Happiness, and Wellness.” Today, we will learn the Pad Prasar Kati Chakra pose( Spinal Twist with Open open your Legs ), which offers numerous benefits for your spine, digestive system, and waistline.


  1. Spread your legs as wide as comfortably possible.
  2. Extend your right leg to the right side and your left leg to the left side, stretching them to your maximum capacity.
  3. Raise your hands slowly from your sides to shoulder level, making fists with your hands.
  4. Pull your right hand towards the right side and your left hand towards the left side.
  5. Gradually twist your body to the right side.
  6. Bring your right hand behind you, straightening your spine, while holding your right foot with your left hand.
  7. Keep your waist straight and both hands aligned.
  8. As you exhale, twist your body as far as possible to the right side. Hold for 20 seconds.
  9. Slowly return to the center after pausing.
  10. Repeat steps 5-9 on the left side, holding your left foot with your right hand from the outside.
  11. Perform this activity six times: three times on the right side and three times on the left side.
  12. As you spread your hands, return to the neutral position, relaxing in Staff Pose (Dandasana).
  13. Close your eyes and take long, deep breaths.
  14. Feel the changes in your body and breath before and after performing this pose.
  15. Slowly open your eyes.

Smiling is suggested throughout the exercise.


  • Avoid this activity if you are pregnant, have a hernia, ulcer, or are menstruating.


  • Alleviates back pain
  • Increases spinal flexibility
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Promotes proper functioning of the pancreas, liver, and kidneys
  • Massages the kidneys
  • Improves the digestive system


  • Perform this activity while paying attention to your body. Be aware of which joint is stretching, where tension is building, and how your breath is flowing. This will help you gain the full benefits of the pose.